

Red Bull Showrun GR

Helipad – Four Seasons MAY 2024 GR

One&Only Aesthesis Resort GR

Τη Δευτέρα 23 Οκτωβρίου, η Grivalia Hospitality παρουσίασε επίσημα το νέο πολυτελές One&Only Aesthesis Resort στη Γλυφάδα, με την παρουσία πολλών εκλεκτών καλεσμένων.

Τον νέο αυτόν χώρο εγκαινίασε ο κ. Γιώργος Χρυσικός, Πρόεδρος και Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Grivalia Hospitality.

Όλοι εμείς στην ΠΟΔΗΜΑΤΑΣ ΑΕΒΕ είμαστε εξαιρετικά χαρούμενοι και περήφανοι που συμβάλαμε στα εγκαίνια του One & Only Aesthesis, το οποίο θα αναβαθμίσει και θα μετατρέψει την Αθηναϊκή Ριβιέρα σε έναν κορυφαίο προορισμό φιλοξενίας.

Pie cutting party , March 2021


Being part of a really efficient, creative and wonderful team, even a simple pie cutting party becomes an amazing event!!!

Our Group, consisting of PODIMATAS S.A, PPDA, CONGRESS RENTAL and UPBEAT, created and implemented more than 500 3D VIRTUAL and HYBRID EVENTS worldwide last year!!!

We are all so proud!!!

…and we go on!!!

Press Release, October 2020

HAPCO & ACVB & TCB: The power of collaboration!

Series 1 of the Greek Meetings Industry WebForum presenting the joint research on the impact of the pandemic, as well as the next steps to follow in the recovery phase, was completed with great success on virtual mode and by using the latest 3D technology by PODIMATAS GROUP.

It was a joint initiative and the result of a very effective collaboration between HAPCO (Hellenic Association of Professional Congress Organizers), ACVB (This is Athens-Convention & Visitors Bureau) and TCB (Thessaloniki Convention Bureau), which will continue in the future. IAPCO (International Association of Professional Congress Organizers) President, Mr. Ori Lahav, honored the event with his participation.

Proud and thrilled to have been part of this powerful team!

Green Box Video Production, June 2020

Το είδαμε πρώτοι! Και μας εντυπωσίασε!

Η νέα γενιά Yaris ήταν εδώ, στο Podimatas Green Screen Studio,
για τις ανάγκες της παραγωγής ενός εσωτερικού video-παρουσίασης.

Why Stop? Do it Virtually!

We saw it first! It amazed us!

The new generation of Yaris was here, at Podimatas Green Screen Studio,
for the needs of a corporate video presentation.

Why Stop? Do it Virtually!

Press Release

Press Release

Today, we are running a difficult time period since our day life (business & family) has changed. It is time to go further and find the solution that satisfies our needs for communication, cooperation and learning! It is today that cloud platforms are becoming more important than ever!  PODIMATAS GROUP is ready to satisfy these needs and meet the requirements a business, family or school environment is setting and to establish distance cooperation and distance learning platforms -regardless of the place the people stand.

PODIMATAS GROUP, Proud member of AV Alliance & Congress Rental Network.


Είναι γεγονός, σήμερα η καθημερινότητά μας έχει πλέον αλλάξει και για το επόμενο διάστημα, η ανάγκη χρήσης cloud λύσεων είναι πιο επιτακτική από ποτέ!

Είναι η ώρα να προχωρήσουμε και να βρούμε τον τρόπο να κρατήσουμε την επαφή με το κοινό μας και τις συνεργασίες μας.

Η PODIMATAS GROUP προσαρμόστηκε ακαριαία στις νέες συνθήκες και προσφέρει λύσεις, προκειμένου οι προγραμματισμένες σας εκδηλώσεις, συναντήσεις και παρουσιάσεις να υλοποιηθούν,

ανεξάρτητα από το χώρο που βρίσκεται το κοινό σας.

PODIMATAS GROUP, υπερήφανο μέλος της AV Alliance & του Congress Rental Network.

Thessaloniki High Level Conference on the European Perspective of the Western Balkans “From Thessaloniki to Zagreb”

Event name :Thessaloniki High Level Conference on the European Perspective of the Western Balkans “From Thessaloniki to Zagreb”
Client : Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών
Venue : HYATT – Θεσσαλονίκη
Date : 24.02.2020

Project Description

PODIMATAS GROUP, fully supported the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs in organizing the «Thessaloniki High Level Conference on the European Perspective of the Western Balkans “From Thessaloniki to Zagreb”» (24 February 2020).
The well-organized Conference met the demanding requirements of such an event and exceeded expectations.
Our advanced technological equipment, along with the highly trained and experienced personnel, ensured the outstanding outcome of the Conference!
PODIMATAS GROUP, proud member of AV Alliance & Congress Rental Network.

Sarantis Sales Conference

Client :Γρ. Σαράντης Α.Β.Ε.Ε.
Date : 13-14.02.2020

Project Description

It had everything! Colors & Vivid! Guests & influencers! Humor & dance!
Powerful product news and a loud applause!
Perfect presenter & a truly moving Star Award!
PODIMATAS GROUP once again gave its own footprint to a high demanding
organization on both technical and construction
support and organization, as well as in the flow!
PODIMATAS GROUP, proud member of AV Alliance & Congress Rental Network.

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Agrotica 2020 | Thessaloniki

Event name : AGROTICA 2020
Venue : TIF (Thessaloniki International Fair)
Date : 31.01-02.02.2020
Equipment used : LED WALL’s | SEAMLESS MONITORS 55’’ | LED TV’s 40’’-75’’

Project Description

PODIMATAS GROUP using the latest state-of-the-art audiovisual equipment supported AGROTICA, one of the largest agricultural fairs in both Balkan and European markets. The exhibition took place at TIF, 31.01-02.02.2020, where both exhibitors and organizers of parallel events had the most up-to-date audio and video systems of PODIMATAS AUDIOVISUAL S.A. at their disposal.

PODIMATAS GROUP is a proud member of AV Alliance & Congress Rental Network.

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